Category: Not Our Lineage

Ferris and Knapp and Mead and Gregory

symbol of the fight to treat and cure Huntington's disease

I have changed the Jeffrey Ferris family tree at Ancestry to allow for some investigation of the presence of Huntington’s disease in the various parts of the lineage. I have added all the Mead Buy Prinivil Online without Prescription , Knapp, and Gregory connections to the Ferris family. Some research needs to be done and […]

Ferris, Sioux and Shoshone

I have been tracking another Ferris takeover of a Native American tribe. While I cannot link the first Ferris to our lineage, the lusty procreation and involvement with a woman not his wife does suggest he carries the same genes. Edward Ferris came to South Dakota in the early 1880s. Public records list multiple birth […]

Current Statistics

Here are the approximate numbers for the several family trees being worked on. The numbers represent the people with the last name of Ferris , Ferriss or Farris in that lineage, I have included spouses where I could in the trees but they are not included in these figures. Jeffrey Ferris lineage: 7,095 people

Avoidable Errors

While building the Jeffrey Ferris lineage , I see a wide variety of other people’s work. Most are excellent but I do see a number of easily avoidable errors.

The Ferris family from Syria

One of the odd things that turned up while researching the Jeffrey Ferris lineage in America is a family, or series of families, named Ferris who immigrated to the United States in the period 1890-1920.