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Category: Ferris – Jeffrey
Five Ferris Lineages Under Management
Opening the Ohio Country
The Ohio country , in the 1790s, was wilderness. A French presence had been removed by a British win in the French and Indian War that ended in 1763. By decree, no white settlements were allowed in the region. At the end of the American Revolution, the area fell into American control and there was […]
Ancestry Status
The mess with linking to seems to be fixed. This link goes to the Jeffrey Ferris lineage. Several other leafs that I could not link to the main tree have been removed. As I have the opportunity and energy buy antibiotics online , I will post links in the sidebar.
The First Wife
One of the interesting things that I have noted while building these trees is the problem of the first wife. For many of the men in the tree Buy Kamagra UK , only the first name of their first wife is recorded. There are perhaps several dozen women known to history by just their first […]
The Ferris Connection to Hillsdale College
In the mid 1830s, Chauncey W Ferris and John P Cook traveled to the Michigan wilderness just north of the Ohio / Indiana border. Chauncey was the fifth great-grandson of Jeffrey Ferris through Joseph. Born in 1811 in Cato, New York, he was destined to have a role in the establishment of one of America’s […]
The Ferris name before America
Ray Riegel, an attorney and traveler, has put together a significant work involving the Ferris name. His site: Henri de Ferrières (1036-1088) Descendants to the Era of Jeffrey Ferris (c.1610-1666)
The Wethersfield massacre
From the 1630s onward, the newly arrived settlers of New England began a series of conflicts with the tribes of Native Americans living in the region. Those conflicts Compra Ampicillina Online , large and small, were fought nearly entirely by militiamen and not professional soldiers from the English or Dutch government. Few set piece battles […]